Well the last time I posted was in October of 08. I've been very busy working on the house. This past year I have completed redoing 3 bedrooms and replacing 14 windows and 4 sliding glass doors. For the past 5 months I have been redoing our master bedroom and bathroom. Its taken so long because I have been doing all the work myself. Sylvia has helped a frew times as has my brother-in-law Ramon. Morgan has been helping me with the dry wall in the bedroom this past week. I gutted the bath/closet and the bedroom to the studs. Took out a wall or two put up some walls. re inslated, bulit the shower laid the tile, took out the fireplace replaced 5 windows. All I have left to do is afrew more pices of drywall tape and float then paint. and then put a floor covering down. I don't know if it will be wood or carpet. But that will come after I redo the other upstairs bathroom. The lime green vinyl flooring is screaming to be replaced. Here is the new bath, I still have the trim work to do and install the glass block shower wall. The last two pictures are of my 4x12' drywall hauler. It worked well but I'm glad I only had 6 sheets of the 12 footers to bring up. Well I guess that it for a nother year. Here is what the before bathroom looked like.